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Mega-Panorama Examples

Landscape 2: Ships at Valdez Narrows (135.4 megapixels)

The photography challenges in Landscape 1 apply here, too. The biggest concern is taking photos from a fast-moving boat. Capturing the water in the stitched composite image pushes the compositing technology.

There are lots of details to examine in this mega-panorama.

This is a panoramic image from Valdez, Alaska. The fishing boats are catching salmon in the Valdez Narrows area. Fishery rules permit short periods when boat can set nets. There is intense activity during this interval.

We're on a boat coming through this area, carefully avoiding getting close to fishing nets. Notice the ship following behind us. We're traveling together.

The weather to the west looks threatening. We'll be happy to get back to port.

Landscape 2: 19,116 x 7,083 pixels; 135.4 megapixels

Other Mega-Panorama Examples